Adobe is here missing the boat and severely harming user-confidence.
#Adobe captivate 5 user manual manuals#
pdf Help references / manuals for products going forward, I will move away completely from Adobe toward companies like Corel and others which do a vastly better job with locally-available and installed help. Frankly, if Adobe persists with this new and IDIOTIC policy of not providing downloadable. pdf form for download on all products for the reasons above stated. It is fine for Adobe to provide online Help systems for products, but those should be exclusively and specifically searchable, so that searches do not operate across all of Adobe's products' documentation, which wastes user's time immensely, AND Adobe must also provide FULL help references / manuals in. This SUCKS and is UNPROFESSIONAL and THE OPPOSITE OF USER-FRIENDLY.

Moreover, such online help precludes offline-only use of the products for non-experts, and when Adobe releases newer product versions, then the help relevant to the now-legacy versions is no longer available. In most searches of the online help, a ton of irrelevant and useless results occur, and the searches themselves are across Adobe's site and not specific to the product's online documentation being examined. There are MAJOR problems with online-only help systems, especially Adobe's. The online Help is unacceptable to those who are working from non-subscription software/models (e.g., with a full license to TCS 2017 or Adobe Photoshop Elements and Premiere Elements 2018, etc.).

This is really unacceptable to me as an Adobe products user.